Saturday, April 02, 2005


I haven't had hiccups for a long time, until last night that is. I'd been to the pub for a meal with my fiancée and had a couple of drinks (I never drink much). Later on in the evening, after I'd got home, I started with hiccups. They kept coming and going for the rest of the night. Shortly before I went to bed I had a really painful one - I've no idea why it was painful, but it was! Anyway, I assumed that after a night's sleep, I would be OK today.

How wrong could I be! I've had them all day, on and off. No painful ones, but still very annoying. I work in a shop on Saturdays, so it was particularly embarrassing serving customers while trying not to hiccup! Everybody seemed to have a "guaranteed method" to stop hiccups, usually involving combinations of drinking water and holding my breath. I did try a few, but nothing seemed to help!

There are some interesting 'remedies' on this page which I might have a go at tomorrow if I'm still suffering. The Wikipedia section mentions the longest attack of hiccups:
Charles Osborne (1894 - 1991) of Anthon, Iowa, USA, started hiccupping in 1922 while attempting to weigh a hog before slaughtering it. He was unable to find a cure, and continued hiccupping until February 1990, a total of 68 years.
I don't know how he managed to stay sane!


Anonymous said...

You want a sure-fire 100% cure for the hiccups? I learned this from a bartender friend of mine and has been successful with every bout of the 'cups I've suffered, and other people I show this to are skittish at first, but astonished afterward. BUT...I understand this only is a cure when you've been drinking beer. Light an entire book of matches and drop them into a glass of water. (remember to take the matches out--a simple step, but you'd be surprised at how many don't think about this). Drink the ENTIRE glass of water without a break. I swear to you, the hiccups end immediately!! It has something to do with the sulfer. It's not most pleasant of tastes, but it works!

TerraKat said...

Sounds interesting! If I'd known about this on Saturday I'd probably have tried it! I'll have to keep it in mind for next time.