I've become a fan of Google's Calendar over the last couple of months, but there's an extra couple of things that would make it complete - synchronising with Outlook and a to-do list.
I (along with a lot of people I suspect) want to synchronise their calendar/address book etc with their phones and PDA's. Most devices seem capable of synchronising with Outlook, so it would be ideal if Google could do this. I have heard of RemoteCalendars, but it only works with Outlook 2003 or later and I only have Outlook 2000! There must be a way of doing it - Plaxo have a plugin for Outlook that does it with their service, so it can't be too difficult (I expect licencing could be an issue though).
I know there is a to-do list module for the Google Desktop, but that's not quite the same as a proper web-service. Again, if this could be synchronised with Outlook, that would be great!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (how can you when it's all free?), I just think that these would be useful additions to an already impressive suite of applications.
I (along with a lot of people I suspect) want to synchronise their calendar/address book etc with their phones and PDA's. Most devices seem capable of synchronising with Outlook, so it would be ideal if Google could do this. I have heard of RemoteCalendars, but it only works with Outlook 2003 or later and I only have Outlook 2000! There must be a way of doing it - Plaxo have a plugin for Outlook that does it with their service, so it can't be too difficult (I expect licencing could be an issue though).
I know there is a to-do list module for the Google Desktop, but that's not quite the same as a proper web-service. Again, if this could be synchronised with Outlook, that would be great!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining (how can you when it's all free?), I just think that these would be useful additions to an already impressive suite of applications.