Saturday, August 20, 2005

Film Review - "The Rising"

I was sceptical about "The Rising". I hadn’t seen any trailers or read any reviews, but from what my friend said about it, I thought it didn’t sound very interesting.

I was wrong. It was interesting. It tells the story of two people - Captain William Gordon (Toby Stephens) and Mangal Padney (Aamir Khan) during the time towards the end of the occupation of India by the East India Company. They both begin in the army of the East India Company, but throughout the course of the film, events occur that put a strain on the relationship between the Indian troops and the British commanders as well as between the two main characters. There were frequent songs in the film which I found to be highly entertaining!

My rating: 8/10

Thursday, August 11, 2005


OK, now I feel really silly.

I was just looking at my Blogger template and noticed a mistake in my comment code - there was a space in the middle of a link! That explains why no one has left any comments for a long time (either that or they don't think I write anything worthy of comments!!)


Imagine the scene: You go to the toilets in a shopping centre. There's the "Gents" and "Ladies" for free, but there's a charge of 20p to use the disabled toilet. Quite rightly everyone would complain about discrimination.

A few days ago, we were in Edinburgh and the toilets at one place we went to cost 20p for the "Gents" and "Ladies" but the disabled were free! I don't like having to pay to use the toilet anyway, but I thought it most unfair that only certain groups of the community had to pay while others didn't!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I've got a really annoying song stuck in my head - the theme tune to Kath & Kim. It's the same two lines over and over again! I wouldn't care but I don't even like the program or the song!